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Flies can regularly be found in homes and businesses across Malaysia. Some species are more common than others and are attracted to different environments suited to their natural habits and lifecycle. Knowing about the size, habits, seasonality and lifecycle of different fly species, can help to identify the most effective fly control methods.

Preferred Method

Effective control involves a variety of efforts to kill existing flies, combined with eliminating the sources of food that flies crave. Flies come indoors not because they enjoy human companionship, but because the home offers them almost limitless sources of food and moisture.

The life cycle of the common housefly is as simple as it is rapid. Adult female flies lay 100 or more eggs on or in any decaying organic material.

The key to disrupting the housefly cycle, then, is to eliminate the organic material in which houseflies lay eggs. A messy house is quite often a house plagued with houseflies, while a spotlessly clean house may suffer only the occasional fly that sneaks in through an open doorway or window.

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House Fly


Adult is 5–8mm in length.
Grey thorax with 4 narrow stripes.
Buff or yellow abdomen
Covered with small hairs that allow them to taste
Complex compound eyes give them a wide field of vision
4th wing vein bent and wing tips slightly pointed
Larva is white and tapers to a point at the head end. When (larvae) fully mature they are legless and 12 mm long


Eggs are laid in batches of 120 to 150 and hatch within 8–72 hours.
The larvae (maggots) of House Flies take 3–60 days to mature.
Pupae matures in 3–28 days.

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Blue Bottle Fly


Adult is 1/4″ – 1/2″ in length.
Metallic blue colour.
Larva — Similar to the house fly larva in all respects except size. 3/4″ when mature. They take 7 – 12 days to mature.


Eggs hatch 0 – 18 hrs (partial development may occur within the female).
Breeds in mostly meat derived substances, sometimes cheese.
Common pest of dead rodents/birds etc.

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Fruit Fly


3mm in length.
Yellow–brown or mottled in colour.
Bright red eyes.
Abdomen hangs down in flight, which is slow.
Tend to hover.


They can breed in rotten fruit, unclean drains and even Develops to adult in 7–30 days.
Adult lives 2–9 weeks.
In ideal temperature conditions, fruit flies can complete their development in as little as 1 week.

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Drain Fly


2mm in length.
Tan coloured body appears as grey.
Wings densely covered in hair and held tent–like over the body when at rest.


Eggs hatch 1–6 days.
Larvae 10–50 days to mature.
Pupae 1–3 days to mature.
